From left: Daugherty, Lambert, Kruhm, and Chiu.
Words and photos: Sarah Kruhm
On Tuesday, April 24, the Board of Education of Howard County hosted students and teachers of the county’s 13 public high schools to celebrate those chosen to be Senior Teachers of the Year 2018.
Those invited included: the teachers chosen, principals, and students who voted for them. The ceremony consisted of a few words from superintendent Dr. Michael J. Martirano and the presentation of certificates to the Teachers of the Year.
Each school created a video to express their affection towards the nominated teacher, and shared their reasons for choosing said teacher. For Centennial High School, John Sharbaugh was voted Teacher of the Year, and was accompanied by principal Claire Hafets, teacher Michelle Van Gieson, and four of his previous students: Megan Daugherty, Victoria Chiu, Sarah Kruhm, and Mary Grace Lambert.
Wilde Lake High School posthumously nominated Laura Wallen, a teacher who passed away in September, as their Teacher of the Year. Her parents were present to accept her award, and many wore stickers with her initials to honor her memory.
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