As of December 17, 2021, extracurricular activities that do not require travel, athletic team practices, tutoring, art rehearsals, and outdoor events are resumed with strict safety precautions put into place. For indoor activities, masks must be worn at all times.
Activities that will resume on January 3, 2022 include dance performances, travel for extracurricular activities, music concerts and performances, and indoor athletics team practices.
On December 15, superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano decided to cancel all sports practices, events, and extracurricular activities. After revaluation, he agreed that it was safe to resume these activities with continued monitoring and safety protocols.
Regarding midterms, the Howard County Board of Education decided on December 16 to suspend midterms for the 2021-22 school year due to the increased number of COVID-19 cases. Finals will now be worth 10% of students’ final grades. For more information, click here.
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