It’s the start of May, and that leaves less than a month until the seniors’ last day of school and their graduation ceremony! Some seniors have complained about the color scheme of graduation, the lateness of graduation and their last day of school, but at the end of the day, there seems to be an exciting air around seniors as their time at Centennial High School comes to a close.
The Late Exit
Some seniors feel that their last day of school, May 26, is too late as it is pretty close to the last day of school for other grades, June 14.
Other seniors, however, believe that the date of their last day of school is not really a problem, as expressed by Aaron Sorak, who stated, “the date isn’t really an issue for me. Would I like it to be earlier? Yes, but we still get out early, so it’s not a problem.” While Sorak seems to have a rarer view than others who wish they got out around mid-May, his view is an optimistic one that teaches others to be grateful for the fact that they even get out early, something all the underclassmen do not get to experience.
Setting An Example
Seniors are the oldest students in the building, so they tend to feel a new sense of responsibility that they have never felt before. One of those new responsibilities is to set a good example as to how underclassmen should learn, live, and behave.
“I think it’s really important to show the underclassmen that they can take it easier in their learning, especially when they become seniors,” remarked Sorak. “Everyone thinks that they’ve got to study super hard or be extra disciplined to live up to societal standards, so I think it’s good for seniors to set an example of how to relax a little.”
Sorak’s thoughts are shared by many seniors who realize that they have stressed themselves out for so long all throughout high school only to wish that they had not done that due to the mental and physical strain. Rend Nayfeh, for example, believes that high school should be fun, and that other students should “do what [they] enjoy and try to enjoy high school, despite how crappy it is.” As Nayfeh reminisces on her last four years at Centennial, she said, “I have a lot of regrets on how I spent [High School] and I wish I spent it having more fun and doing what I enjoy.” Perhaps all underclassmen should strive to live the relaxed lives that seniors wished they had when they were younger.
Awaiting the Goodbye
Although the end is near, there are many more hurdles to clear until the students can truly be free: final exams, finishing classes, and participating in extracurricular activities — how seriously seniors will take these last few hurdles is the real question.
“I somehow managed to stay motivated and get decent grades in the 3rd quarter,” explained Sorak, “but for the 4th quarter? I don’t have the energy for it. And for final exams? I’m not taking them seriously at all!” For some, the end of their high school career is already upon them, which seems to be the case for Sorak. He will miss his high school relationships, however, which seems to be a recurring trend among this graduating class, which just goes to show that relationships are often more influential than any work one completes or accomplishments one gains.
“I can not wait,” claimed Nayfeh with excitement. “I’m so over school that the idea of me graduating has become my catharsis. I’ve never thought about the ceremony itself, but I guess… the ceremony is symbolic of school being over, so yes, I’m excited.” Even with the melancholy feelings associated with leaving high school, there is still a great deal of excitement to be had, as expressed by Nayfeh.
As the clock ticks towards June 3, when all the seniors will graduate, many underclassmen will miss the leaving class. Seniors and underclassmen have mixed feelings about the vast future ahead for the senior class, but everyone is awaiting the goodbye to the class of 2022, and it is soon approaching.
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