On December 18th, 2022, Centennial High School collaborated with the River Hill High School and Mount Hebron High School Muslim Student Associations to host a World Cup Finals Watch Party. The game was Argentina vs. France, and it was a nail biter. The atmosphere of the room where the game was played was incredible. There was chanting, yelling, and cheering.
The Muslim Student Association (MSA), the group hosting the event, is a club in school that is offered all around America, not only in high school’s, but in colleges as well. Centennial High School has one of the best MSAs in the county.
However, despite schools having individual chapters, chapters still collaborate for events like the watch party. interMSA is when all the MSAs in Howard county collaborate with each other to make big events such as the Dar Al Taqwa interMSA Ramadan Iftaars, the interMSA end of school year BBQ, and the interMSA end of summer BBQ. Dawood Kashif, Centennial High School’s Secretary, Zack Chaudhry, Hebron’s Vice President, and Ayyub Khan, River Hill’s President, have done successful events before.
After the game was played, Imam Sami Zaharna led 150+ people in prayer. Afterwards there was food and everyone socialized. As it was a potluck, people brought different types of food and everyone enjoyed it. Abrar Chaudhry said, “If this wasn’t the best interMSA event, then it was definitely one of the best.”
The local mosque, Muslim Family Center, sponsored the event. MFC is Based in Columbia. MFC is known for its great youth events and its great community. The events were successful as there were over 300 people there.
Big Thank you from CHS, MHHS, and RHHS to Ehab Hassan, Imam Sami, Brother Hanif, and the entire MFC community for the support and making this event as successful as it was.
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