Words: Amy Myers
As marathon runners reached the finish line in Boston, Massachusetts, two explosions were witnessed just beyond the stands at around 2:45 pm. The explosions were about 15 seconds apart and a mere 50 to 100 yards apart. Nearly 27,000 runners passed the finish line just as it occurred. So far, according to The Baltimore Sun, three deaths have been confirmed with dozens injured. Details are slowly being uncovered as medical records are being released.
The Boston Globe reported that there are now over 100 people wounded.
According to Channel 13 WJZ Eyewitness News, a third bomb has now been defused and has reached the hands of police officials.
President Barack Obama spoke of the situation at 6:10 pm, recognizing the first responders and enforcements that arrived at the scene and advising the country to abstain from making any early assumptions.
“We still do not know who did this, or why,” Obama said, “And people should not jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. But make no mistake–we will get to the bottom of this… Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.”
The NBC Bay Areas News reported that the Boston Marathon was, in fact, dedicated to the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Runners supported the cause by running 26 miles for each life lost in the shooting.
Questions are now raised about the security and occurrence of the Baltimore Marathon occurring in October this year, as well as similar future events in the state. Michael Greenberger of the University of Maryland Center of Homeland Security evaluated the effect it would have on Maryland. “There should not be fear–there should be vigilance. It could happen here,” Greenberger stated.
The Wingspan will continue to provide updates as information is released.