Freshman Fabrizio Dulanto shoots off his rocket on Friday, June 12. Ms. Smith and Mr. Sendin's classes participated in the annual activity.
Words: Sandy Eichhorn
Photos: Sandy Eichhorn and Shalini Malhotra
The Foundations of Technology class spent both Thursday, June 11, and Friday, June 12, outside shooting off their rockets. Ms. Smith and Mr. Sendin’s classes have been designing their rockets for almost two weeks. The rockets are the students’ final projects, and the most popular. F.O.T. students built their personal rockets from the ground up and they each put their own personal spin on their designs.
Sophomore Michael Hegarty said, “It’s a fun project that was hands on and exciting. It’s interesting to see something you didn’t think could be done be accomplished.”
The classes gathered outside on Centennial’s field and counted down enthusiastically each time a rocket was set off.
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