The Wingspan is the school newspaper for Centennial High School. The Wingspan has been around since 1977, and strives to provide accurate, in-depth information to the Centennial Community. Along with continuing to provide news through our print edition, The Wingspan will be publishing content online. Continue to visit our website for up to date CHS news, and be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Also, you can click the follow link in the bottom right corner of any page, and receive news updates via e-mail.
Contact Information:
Email: chswingspan2122@gmail.com
Twitter: @CHSWingspan
Instagram: @wingspan_chs
Facebook: @The Wingspan
The 2023-2024 Editorial Team
Editor-In-Chiefs: Joanne Yoon & Naomi Chao
Managing Editor: Tavroop Kaur
Sports Editor: Jackson Palich
Online Editor: Edwin Wu
Feature Editors: Rachel Middleton & Abby Conrad
Design Editor: Joey Crossney
Copy Editors: Haynie Kim & Yeseo Lim
Advisor: Julianne McAdams