Words: Sasha Allen
With tryouts for spring sports quickly approaching, students are finding different ways to prepare for the big day. No matter the sport, there is an enormous amount of preparation that has to be done to make it onto any team.
Patrick Correal-Winters is trying out for outdoor track, and he has a few different training techniques. Correal-Winters trains for tryouts by running, but he alternates between speed and stamina exercises, helping him become faster and allowing him to run for longer periods of time. Correal-Winters says that he enjoys track because of his teammates, and he is eager for the approaching season.
Sophomore Kiran Vepa is trying out for softball this spring. She says that the best way for her to prepare for tryouts is to exercise at the gym once a week and to go to physical therapy two times a week.
“I go to the gym to work on arms to build arm muscles to work on pitching,” said Vepa.
She also runs when she can to stay in shape during the winter. Vepa says that softball is not only a good sport to keep her in shape, but she also enjoys meeting new people from the team.
Sports can be a good release from the stress of the school day, and this prompts many students like Amaiya Brickhouse to try out. Brickhouse is trying out for outdoor track, and her training consists of workouts up to an hour and a half long that help her train for specific events like the 200, 400, and 800 meter-run. Her participation in indoor track this winter has helped her stay in shape for the upcoming season. Although she does work out by herself, Brickhouse says that “working out with other people from the team acts like a good motivator” and can help her stay more focused.
“The environment [of track] is really positive,” says Brickhouse. “[Track] is one of the best parts of my high school experience.”
Trying out for sports can be stressful, but hard work and a lot of preparation can help students feel more confident. Playing a sport has many benefits that many overlook, but preparing well can help raise a student’s chances of making the team.
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