The New “Normal”

Returning to school buildings to teach should seem like the light at the end of the tunnel after being virtual for so long, yet teachers at Centennial High School seem to be split on how they feel. Current classroom environments are quite different since the start of virtual learning in the 2020-21 school year. Now that the switch back from virtual learning to in-person is happening, what do they think of it? Have things really gone back to normal for teachers? 

Argentina McCarthy, a Spanish teacher at Centennial, couldn’t be happier. She stated that her “classroom comes alive” when students are interacting with each other. Seeing students with their friends and being able to socialize with her class “is energizing and more fun.” 

Although she had to switch rooms on very short notice, McCarthy doesn’t mind and is just glad to be back.

Kristin Lavender, an English and yearbook teacher at Centennial, has mixed feelings. “I love having students back, but I wish there was more,” he expressed.

She feels as if her day could be balanced better if all of the students were in the classroom. That way, it would also be easier to build relationships with her students. 

Lavender is also not used to sitting around: she can’t circulate throughout the room and look at students’ work to correct them, as would be done in a normal classroom environment. “It’s not even close to being the same,” she remarked.

“I want to teach kids, not computers,” Lavender said. Although the schools have made a significant progression since the initial shutdown, it still does not feel normal for most.


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