Pictured (Left to Right):
Standing: Sal Salehi, Si Won Seo, Neil Moloney, Pasha Shahegh, Chris Lo
Seated: Jacqueline Chen, Julia Gao
What does learning sound like? Mr. Eisenstein’s physics students learned on Thursday, March 29, that the answer is fling! Regardless of their level, everybody taking this class crowded into the hallways to test the catapults on which they have been working for so long.
For regular-level classes, the assignment was to build a catapult that could launch something four, five, or six meters. AP and G/T classes had to hurdle the object over a barrier, have it bounce, and then land in a specific location.
Mr. Eisenstein uses this project to teach his students about motion, conservation of energy, and the engineering process. However, this is not all they gain from it. “I think it was a very engaging project,” explained junior Kevin Joo. “It really allowed us to get to know the Home Depot owners. The most important thing it taught us was where the handsaw and wood are in Home Depot- valuable life skills.”
In all seriousness, though, the project turned abstract concepts into something practical, and allowed the students to make something of which they could be proud. “It took a lot of work, time, and calibration. It was really tiring and frustrating. Really hard,” laughed Jordan Baruch, junior. “I liked doing it, though.”