Words: Maggie Ju
Centennial Red Cross will be holding its annual blood drive on December 22 in the auxiliary gym. Forms are available until December 15 at the Red Cross table outside the cafeteria during lunch.
Blood donors must be at least 16 years of age and in good health. Donors 18 or younger should weigh at least 110 pounds, but there are additional weight requirements that vary for gender and age.
“The blood is donated to Red Cross blood centers,” said the Centennial Red Cross Board, “after running some tests on the blood, they distribute it to hospitals.”
Blood donations help victims of disasters as they recover. Currently, the American Red Cross is in critical need of O Negative and B Negative blood, but donations of all blood types are welcomed.
For more information, contact Centennial Red Cross at centennialredcross@gmail.com.
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