Words and photos: Reem Hashmi
This past Saturday, March 17, 2018, Centennial’s Pre-Medicine Club hosted their second annual medical seminar.
The group works hard each year to provide an enriching experience for all Howard County high school students interested in the field of medicine by inviting doctors to be guest speakers.
The revered guest speakers included: Dr. Kavita Hegde (Associate Professor of Biology at Coppin State University), Dr. Judy Huang (Neurosurgeon at John Hopkins), Dr. Nader Hanna (Professor of Surgery at the UMD School of Medicine), Dr. Carla Easter (Chief, Education and Community Involvement Branch; National Human Genome Research Institute).
Each speaker showcased their research and medical journey with presentations in order to educate the students. Many attended with family and friends for the sole purpose to be informed and to ask the speakers questions on their experience.
Co-President Deanna Yi said, “We are always aiming to provide a welcoming and nourishing environment as we hope to help other students start their path on the pre-medicine track! We had another successful seminar this year thanks to our members and the board: Supraja Kanipakam, Co-President; Danny Hemani Vice President; Christopher Chen, Event Coordinator; Jocelyn Mathew, Fundraiser; Mallika Kadabha, Secretary; and Reem Hashmi, Member at Large.”
In addition to the guest speakers, Mathew arranged an AP book sale, selling gently used or new books for the proceeds to go to the Prem Sewa organization, which helps underprivileged children.
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