Words: Shawn Kruhm
The Table Tennis Club continues to welcome all students of Centennial High School. The club meets every other Wednesday after school in the cafeteria. Everyone interested is greatly encouraged to attend.
The Table Tennis Club is a great way to take a break from school and have a good time. It is very casual and students can go whenever they want. President Ruoheng Zeng and Vice President Tae Wan Kim are the club’s only official members.
Not only are students welcome, but teachers are also encouraged to join. Allen Leung, a teacher at Centennial High School, is the club’s newest member.
Jarret Emery said, “He has been joining us regularly and seems to be really enjoying himself.”
As always, if anyone has any questions regarding the club, contact Mr. Emery at jarrett_emery@hcpss.org.
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