Words & Photos: Thomas Hitt
On Saturday, October 27, the University of Maryland marching band, the Mighty Sound of Maryland, hosted a high school band day.
High school band day allowed high school band students to spend the day with the Maryland band and perform with them during halftime at the football game. Students from around the state participated in this event, including marching bands from Howard, Centennial and Long Reach High Schools.
These students shadowed the Maryland marching band for the whole day. They started out the day by participating in the game day rehearsal, where they followed behind the band. The high school musicians marched with the Mighty Sound of Maryland to the field. They also were able to play with the Maryland marching band during halftime, including the customary “5th quarter.”
Afterwards, the high school band students sat with the Maryland marching band and joined in for cheering and playing of pep tunes.
This event allowed high school band students to experience what it is like to be in the Mighty Sound of Maryland.
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