Centennial senior sunrise runs on Dunkin’

Photo from Scott Paterson
On the chilly Tuesday morning of September 6th, Centennial’s top class filled the school parking lot with lawn chairs, Green Day’s “Letterbomb,” and lattes to celebrate “senior sunrise”, a long-standing tradition.
The event was initially postponed due to weather concerns. Some think it should’ve been held off for a few more days just so the sky could be a little clearer. The rain from the previous days meant the area was foggy, leaving some seniors disappointed with the sunrise itself. A student who chooses to remain anonymous claimed, “The sunrise wasn’t even the best sunrise I’ve ever seen. It was a pretty mid sunrise.” However, the primary focus for many wasn’t seeing the rays on the horizon, but rather being with their friends.

One student decided to bring a speaker big enough for the whole parking lot to hear. Senior Riley Senisi noted, “[Having the speaker] was fun. Played some morning music. Good vibes in the morning. Got the day going on a good start.” Besides Green Day, sounds to accompany the sunrise were the likes of Chris Stapleton, with senior Ty Beck-Winters as the DJ. Other students enjoyed sweet treats from a ‘very local,’ ‘very small,’ ‘family owned cafe,’ Dunkin’ Donuts.
“People were being generous, offering donuts to other people,” Senisi pointed out. But as Faris Alzain reiterated, “It really was just about the people. The time that I did have with the people was good.”
Overall, it seems that what the sun and sky lacked, the music and donuts made up for.
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