Words and Photo: Anna Mitchell
Neal Patel plays Code Combat in Mrs. Norris’ second period TV class.
Words: Giana Han
Photos: Minnie Gregorini
Warren Zhang, Christopher Savage, and Ryan Sorak engage in an activity that demonstrates coding uses during Mr. Pauller’s class.
Words and Photos: Chythanya Murali
Jennifer Han learns the basics of JavaScript on Khanacademy in Mr. Pauller’s third period.
Miguel Fernandez and Adharsh Babu, along with Nicole Hammond, use their phones to learn coding in Mr. Pauller’s classroom.
Garn Piyarsirisilip uses his tablet to learn coding during the Hour of Code.
Cecilia Dewitt and Neil Rabb pull out their phones to experiment with coding.
Words and Photos: Rus VanWestervelt
Shannon Lear codes instructions for Ice Age characters to find their missing acorns.
Madeline Subasic receives her certificate of completion for coding Frozen.
Logan Um and Anna Crowe draw different shapes using codes.