Words: Madhu Lal
“Now Everyone Stand Together,” also known as N.E.S.T., is a club with the intention of bringing Centennial students together. N.E.S.T. was created this year with the help of Ms. Holt, the leader of the group. The club was designed specifically to help end racial ignorance in Centennial. At the moment N.E.S.T. is composed of only Delta Scholars, a club that promotes African American academic excellence.
The primary focus of N.E.S.T. is to stop racial slurs and empower individuals by helping them embrace their nationality. Ms. Holt says, “I’m excited about N.E.S.T. I want everyone to be able to be part of N.E.S.T. in order to strengthen our school pride.” N.E.S.T. has teamed up with the student improvement team’s documentarian group, and they are in the process of creating an informative video. This video will be focusing on racial slurs that the members of the group have personally encountered. The N.E.S.T. video presentation will be shown to all students on Tuesday, June 16th during homeroom.
Next year, the club intends to branch off and invite all minorities and majorities.
N.E.S.T. is hoping to have monthly activities that include team-building games and school wide discussions regarding racism. The members of the club foresee the club becoming a school wide success in erasing racial barriers between students and teaching them to embrace their culture and respect others.
The N.E.S.T. video presentation will be shown to all students on Tuesday, June 16th during homeroom. For more information regarding N.E.S.T. please contact Ms.Holt or visit the Centennial website centennialeagles.org.